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Lediga jobb
Flyktinggruppernas Riksråd – FARR
Flyktinggruppernas Riksråd (FARR), en paraplyorganisation för grupper och personer som arbetar för stärkt asylrätt
Rosengrenska clinic
Rosengrenska clinic is a network of volunteer health care staff in Gothenburg offering health care for undocumented refugees. Rosengrenska was founded in 1998 with three goals: Abolish themselves Health care should not rely on voluntary forces. Speard knowledge about the…
No one is illegal
Ingen människa är illegal (No one is illegal) works for a world without national borders, a world where no human is illegal. They work politically for the rights of undocumented refugees and practically to support undocumented refugees with housing, food…
The Asylum Group in Malmö
Asylgruppen i Malmö (The Asylum Group in Malmö) is a non-profit organization. Since 1991 they have been working with and for asylum-seekers and undocumented refugees. They consider this as part of the global struggle for freedom, equality and solidarity. Until…
Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees
Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees (UPWC) is a feminist movement fighting for a society free from all discrimination. They mobilise Palestinian women to demand their political, social and economic rights, and to carry out advocacy work. If you ask UPWC…